Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Loving All Creatures

Animals Have Feelings

Just like us humans.

Support The World Wirdelife Fund
   Animals, just like us, have feelings and emotion. They feel pain, hunger and tiredness. They also love, respect and forgiving. We humans see some group animals as wild and vicious. They are as so for survival. They can't just go to another animal and be like, ''Hey man, can I eat you for lunch? You know, we're hungry. Please?''. No, they are not like that. They need to eat as we need to have food. They have been living like that ever since they were created.

   Some people that goes on an ''adventure'' into the woods or desert and get themselves in the middle of a wolf pack, lions or some other animals and they will shoot and kill these animals because they were in ''danger''. Yes they are in danger, but it's their fault to be there in the first place. These animals are also endangered of extinction.

   As you put your life in danger, you might also put the life of the last creature of its species. People tend to forget the importance of these creatures in our ecosystem just to save the life a fool. If these creatures are gone, you can see drastic changes happening on our beloved planet. Just imagine, you're the one who brought extinction to these animals and simply extinction to other creatures for they need one another to survive.
You sure want your grandkids to see this animals,right?

   Feel bad dontcha? For those who don't, imagine without this animals, one day your bacon and eggs breakfast will just be, nothing. No pig to give you your bacon and no chicken to lay you their eggs. What about no steak made from cows beef? You'd like that? No? So do try preserve these animals. 

This is what is happening right this moment.
   They bring you no harm unless you harm them by entering their habitat. Recycle your papers so they will use less trees. Don't simply go hunting in restricted areas and please don't kill animals for their fur, tusk or anything you need. You wouldn't want to see your children or your loved ones suffer and die from less protein and stuff like that? Do preserve the environment. Thank you.

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